Position map
Mapping Your Competitive Position – Harvard Business Review
Mapping Your Competitive Position
In its simplest form, a price-benefit positioning map shows the relationship between the primary benefit that a product provides to customers and the prices of …
Reprint: R0711G A price-benefit positioning map helps you see, through your customers’ eyes, how your product compares with all its competitors in a market. You can draw such a map quickly and objectively, without having to resort to costly, time-consuming consumer surveys or subjective estimates of the excellence of your product and the shortcomings of all the others. Creating a positioning map involves three steps: First, define your market to include everything your customers might consider to be your product’s competitors or substitutes. Second, track the price your customers actually pay (wholesale or retail? bundled or unbundled?) and identify what your customers see as your offering’s primary benefit. This is done through regression analysis, determining which of the product’s attributes (as described objectively by rating services, government agencies, R&D departments, and the like) explains most of the variance in its price. Third, draw the map by plotting on a graph the position of every product in the market you’ve selected according to its price and its level of primary benefit, and draw a line that runs through the middle of the points. What you get is a picture of the competitive landscape of your market, where all the products above the line command a price premium owing to some secondary benefit customers value, and all those below the line are positioned to earn market share through lower prices and reduced secondary benefits. Using examples as varied as Harley-Davidson motorcycles, Motorola cell phones, and the New York restaurant market, Tuck professor D’Aveni demonstrates some of the many ways the maps can be used: to locate unoccupied or less-crowded spaces in highly competitive markets, for instance, or to identify opportunities created through changes in the relationship between the primary benefit and prices. The maps even allow companies to anticipate—and counter—rivals’ strategies.
Perceptual Map – Market Positioning – LearnMarketing.net
Perceptual Maps/Positioning Maps
3. jan. 2022 — A market position map helps you better understand the marketplace you operate in and positions your products based on the customers’ perception …
Perceptual maps are used by many organisations to help them identify gaps in the market. This article explains how to draw a positioning map and includes an example perceptual map.
Positioning Map Can Reveal Your Competitive Advantage
Positioning Map Can Reveal Your Competitive Advantage » Innis Maggiore
1. apr. 2021 — A product positioning map is a two-dimensional chart with horizontal and vertical axes that represent attributes.
We recommend a “positioning map” (also known as “perceptual mapping”). It helps remove some of the fog in your competitive marketplace and presents a clearer picture.
Positioning Map – BrandMentions Wiki
A common question asked by many business owners is how to position their product so that it stands out from the competition. A positioning map is a good way …
How to create a positioning map successfully in 8 steps – Indeed
How to create a positioning map in 8 steps | Indeed.com UK
Discover how to create a positioning map and learn about the eight steps you can take to create one for your products or services to be successful.
Product positioning: definition, strategies, maps and examples
Product positioning plays a crucial part in your overall marketing strategy. Positioning allows focusing on the specific niche, target audience, or idea. With the help of positioning, your product or service can stand out in the competitive market.
Ma position actuelle – Google My Maps
Position/perception maps
Keywords: position map, positioning map